Most College Station ISD Parents And Teachers Who Have Returned Surveys Favor Classroom Instruction

Captura de pantalla de imágenes producidas por College Station ISD.

College Station ISD administrators have heard from 30 percent of students and almost two-thirds of teachers in surveys about where school will start August 13.

In-school instruction is favored by 70 percent of almost 4,200 of around 14,000 students and almost 60 percent of 664 teachers.

Click HERE to read and download more information from a presentation given at the July 21, 2020 CSISD school board meeting.

Click HERE to be directed to CSISD’s archived video of the July 21, 2020 school board meeting.

CSISD’s chief administrative officer Molley Perry told board members Tuesday night that households will receive more reminders to complete surveys as soon as possible. That will be followed by campus administrators calling parents. After that, remaining students will be scheduled for on-campus classes.


While the state has given parents until July 30th to decide where their children will learn, superintendent Mike Martindale says that leaves only two weeks instead of all summer to create master class schedules.


Martindale also announced all elementary school students and employees will be wearing masks. Martindale says exceeding the state’s minimum requirement was requested by campus principals.


Board members also learned what administrators plan to do, as of Tuesday night, when students and employees are infected or exposed to coronavirus.

Screen shot of College Station ISD household survey presented during the July 21, 2020 CSISD school board meeting.


Screen shot of College Station ISD teacher survey presented during the July 21, 2020 CSISD school board meeting.

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