Public Meeting On Rudder Freeway Expansion Is Monday

Those interested in the expansion of Rudder Freeway from Highway 21 in Bryan to William D. Fitch in College Station are invited to a public meeting on Monday that’s hosted by the TxDOT Bryan district office.

The open house at the Brazos Center from four until seven p.m. will include seeing design drawings and give comments to TxDOT staff.

Comments about the gathering were shared during November city council meetings by College Station mayor Karl Mooney and Bryan city manager Kean Register.



According to Register, construction is expected to start in 2022.

According to Mooney, the estimated cost of the project is $221 million dollars.

In addition to widening the freeway to three lanes in each direction, TxDOT background information includes improving interchanges and bridges, adding shared use paths for bicycles and pedestrians, and adding lanes for safer and more efficient traffic merging.

Click HERE to be directed to background information from the Texas Department of Transportation.

An online survey remains open through December 17 about the project. Click HERE to be directed to the survey.

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