Community Foundation Holds Philanthrophy Day Reception

The Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley held its Philanthropy Day reception this week.

Checks for over $1,000 were presented to Elder Aid and Habitat for Humanity.

It was also announced this year’s honorees of the seventh annual Foundation tribute luncheon are Stephanie Sale and Jim Singleton.  They were recognized for their contributions to the community and to area non-profits.

The Community Foundation is a non-profit organization that manages over 50 funds totalling $1.5 million dollars for donors throughout the Brazos Valley.

The foundation has awarded over $60,000 in grants to area charities.

L to R: Foundation Board Chairman Jeff Harris, Elder Aid Executive Director Sara Loeppert, and Foundation President Derek Dictson. (courtesy photo)
L to R: Harris, Habitat for Humanity Executiver Director Tori Wolen, and Dictson. (courtesy photo)
Stephanie Sale and Jim Singleton. (courtesy photo)

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