Texas A&M’s Chief Diversity Officer Issues Letter Following Tailgate Assault Incident

An assault during tailgating before last Saturday’s Aggie football game led A&M’s chief diversity officer to issue a letter where she says raises questions…in her words…”about over-policing, racial profiling, and disproportionate responses”.

The online letter from vice president Robin Coleman does not disclose how she came to those conclusions, or to writing what happened Saturday was…quoting… “another troubling incident in our campus community.”

According to tweets from university police, deputies with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol unit responded to an assault between neighboring tailgaters. One tailgater was given permission to take a drink out of the neighbor’s cooler. A third party, who was not aware of the permission, grabbed the hoodie of the man who took the drink and threw him to the ground. That led the man to took the drink to punch the third party. UPD says the officers who responded on horseback were positioned to separate the men, and neither man pressed charges.

The letter from A&M’s diversity officer also stated “Violence in our community is abhorrent and irreconcilable with the core values we hold most dear.” She also said “we can do the right thing by standing up for those who have been harmed.”

Dr. Coleman concluded with invitations to participate in a campus race relations workshop on October 29th and a diversity seminar next March that includes the presidents of Texas A&M and Prairie View A&M.

Screen shots from the Texas A&M police department’s Twitter account.
Screen shot from the Texas A&M office for diversity: https://diversity.tamu.edu/Home/Message-from-VPD

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