College Station City Council Denies Land Use Change Request Near Texas A&M

The College Station city council voted 6-1 Monday night against a land use change where an apartment complex currently sits on George Bush Drive across from the Texas A&M golf course and a block west of Texas Avenue.

The owner of University Terrace apartments sought the ability to replace the 55 year old units with a combination of housing and up to an equal amount of space for commercial uses.

During the one hour conversation, the first reference to possible commercial development if the land use change was granted came from Fred DuPriest of the College Station Association of Neighborhoods…which opposed the proposal.

The lone city council member who supported changing the land use designation was Elianor Vessali.

Councilman Dennis Maloney, who was part of the majority vote calling to protect single family homes in the Redmond neighborhood, responded to Vessali’s comments.

The discussion also included references to upcoming changes to the city’s comprehensive plan. Councilman John Nichols encouraged particpating in the “Next 10” survey, which is online at the city of College Station website.

Click below for comments from Fred DuPriest, Elianor Vessali, and Dennis Maloney during the October 7, 2019 College Station city council meeting.

Listen to “College Station city council denies request to change land use near Texas A&M” on Spreaker.

Image from the city of College Station, showing in the yellow box the location of the proposed land use change at what is now University Terrace Apartments.

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