Bryan City Council Adopts Fiscal Year 2020 Budget

The Bryan city council voted 6-1 this week to adopt the fiscal year 2020 budget.

Mike Southerland continued his opposition to locating the superpark at the former city golf course. He said instead of spending $235 million dollars over 30 years, the city could spend $21 million on additional ballfields.


Councilman Reuben Marin brought up parks as one subject to what he said incorrect public comments were made.


Prentiss Madison responded to public comments about the city doing nothing about flooding in the Castle Heights neighborhood along Highway 21 east of the freeway.


Before the council adopted the budget, during a public hearing on next year’s tax rate two candidates in this November’s city election said they supported the proposal that keeps the same tax rate. The tax rate ordinance will be read at the council’s September 17th meeting, with final consideration to take place September 24th.

Click HERE to be directed to the city of Bryan’s website to see and download the 2020 fiscal year proposed budget.

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