Invitation To Help Plan The Future Development Of College Station

The city of College Station is asking for the public’s assistance to evaluate the city’s 20 year comprehensive plan at its midway point.

Public assistance is being requested to evaluate the plan at its midway point. City officials consider that crucial to ensure the plan is on track to help guide the city’s growth over the next 10 years.

Staff planner Alyssa Halle-Schramm, speaking on WTAW’s The Infomaniacs, says there are four opportunities to participate in College Station’s “Focus on the Future” workshop the week of September 23rd.

She says the goal is to have “fun and interactive public sessions” that will include “games and trivia about current population information”.

That’s after College Station’s population unexpectedly increased from about 93,000 in 2009 to about 122,000 today.

After participants hear what Halle-Schramm called “did ya knows” about College Station, there will be small group discussions where individual visions will be shared about the city’s future.

Halle-Schramm says they’ll find out if there are any collective themes.

And the public input will assist staff in proposing updates to the comprehensive plan.

The 90 minute workshop will be held at four locations. Each will include a Spanish translator and children’s activities.

Click HERE for more information about the city of College Station’s “The Next Ten” comprehensive planning workshops.

Times and locations are:

MONDAY, SEPT. 23 • 7-8:30 p.m. at the Southwood Valley elementary school cafeteria, 2700 Brothers Blvd.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 24 • 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the College Station Utilities meeting and training facility, 1601 Graham Road

TUESDAY, SEPT. 24 • 7-8:30 p.m. at Forest Ridge elementary school cafeteria, 1950 Greens Prairie Road West

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25 • 7-8:30 p.m. at Oakwood intermediate school cafeteria, 106 Holik Street

Click below for comments from Alyssa Halle-Schramm, visiting with WTAW’s Scott Delucia.

Listen to “Invitation to help plan the future development of College Station” on Spreaker.

Additional information from the city of College Station:

The Next 10 is a major effort to consider recent growth, current trends, and best practices, and to define updates to the city’s policies to guide the next 10 years. The process will lead to the creation of a 10-Year Evaluation and Appraisal Report that may recommend updates to the city’s Comprehensive Plan.

The city is committed to updating its policies to address the issues of today and prepare for those that may arise. The process is an opportunity to consider our city’s direction in light of current trends and community values and is an effort to proactively address topics that are important to you.

The Next 10 process will last about 12-14 months and will include multiple opportunities for community input. The process will address topics important to you that will shape the community for years to come. No one knows the community like those who live or work in College Station. Share your ideas and feedback to ensure that the city’s direction represents the authentic voice of the community.


Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee. The Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee is a diverse group of residents appointed to serve as community advocates for the evaluation, to provide guidance and direction regarding the process and substance, and to serve as stewards of the evaluation plan once completed.

Stakeholders. Various stakeholder groups will be convened to inform specific aspects of the vision. These groups include business leaders, neighborhood associations, real estate professionals and developers, education professionals, students, and young professionals, among others.

Public. Widespread community participation is vital to The Next 10’s success. Various in-person workshops and online tools will offer more ways for the community to give input throughout the process. The first public events will be Sept. 23-25.

City Staff. City staff will support and help coordinate the work of all other groups and their local knowledge and expertise.

Elected officials. The mayor and council will monitor The Next 10 process and the resulting community vision, recognizing that success should be independent of the city’s elected leadership.

Consultants. Planning NEXT will facilitate the process and share their experience from working with other successful communities.

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