Conserve Power Thursday And Friday

Record September power consumption in Texas and continuing triple digit temperatures means another voluntary request to conserve electricity by the manager of most of the state’s power grid.

Meagan Brown at BTU says ERCOT’s request is to conserve electricity Thursday and Friday between two and seven p.m.

Brown says BTU is again producing more than enough power for their customers, allowing them to sell excess generation at higher prices.

Click below for comments from Meagan Brown, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

Listen to “Conserve power Thursday and Friday” on Spreaker.

News release from ERCOT:

Consumers and businesses are urged to reduce their electricity use on Thursday, Sept. 5 and Friday, Sept. 6, especially during the hours of 2 to 7 p.m.

“ERCOT’s job is to ensure power is available all over Texas,” said ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness. “When electricity demand and heat reach levels like we expect on Thursday and Friday, we ask Texans to consider taking a few steps to help keep power flowing for all of us.”

Some areas of Texas are expected to see the highest temperatures experienced so far this summer. Temperatures are expected to exceed 100 degrees in all major Texas metropolitan areas through Sept. 7.

ERCOT set a new September peak demand record on Tuesday, Sept. 3 when demand reached 68,546 MW between 4 and 5 p.m. This is more than 1,500 MW higher than the previous September record set in 2016.

Steps to help reduce electricity use:

Turn thermostat up 2 to 3 degrees during the peak hours of 2 to 7 p.m.
Set programmable thermostats to higher temperatures when no one is home.
Use fans to feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler.
Limit use of large appliances (i.e., dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc.) to morning or after 7 p.m.
If you cook indoors from 2 to 7 p.m., use a microwave or slow cooker.
Close blinds and drapes during late afternoon.
Schedule pool pumps to run in the early morning or overnight hours; shut off between 2 and 7 p.m.

More conservation tips are online at and

View daily peak demand forecast, current load and available generation at

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