Brazos Valley EDC Working On Nutrabolt’s Departure

One of seven local corporations with economic development agreements is in the process of relocating.

The president of the Brazos Valley economic development corporation (BVEDC), Matt Prochaska, thanked Nutrabolt ownership for their investment as the company moves to Austin.

BVEDC and the city of Bryan are in the process of addressing an incentive package where Nutrabolt in 2018, 2017, and 2016 exceeded minimum requirements for the number of employees, payroll, and assessed valuation.

And Prochaska says BVEDC is also working with Nutrabolt, who has hired a broker, to market their headquarters that’s located in the biocorridor.

Click below for comments from Matt Prochaska, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

Listen to “Brazos Valley EDC working on Nutrabolt's depature” on Spreaker.


Screen shot from a report the Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation presented to Brazos County commissioners on June 11, 2019.

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