Local law enforcement is once again asking citizens to lock their vehicles.
Bryan Police Sergeant Jason James says there have been more than 250 car burglaries in Bryan this year.
“Ninety percent are vehicles left unlocked,” said Sgt. James.
Sgt. James said even if you are not a victim, your home surveillance video could help.
“We still want that video because it might help us identify these that are breaking into all the other ones,” said Sgt. James.
Sgt. James said leaving your vehicle unlocked makes it easier for criminals to burglarize more vehicles in a given area.
“Back in the old days, they use to shatter the windows and it would be two or three in an apartment complex because it made noise and it drew attention. Now, they’re just doing the door handles and moving through and they can hit 10+ in a night,” said Sgt. James.
If you have been a victim or you see something suspicious on your home video surveillance, contact police.
Click below to hear Sergeant Jason James visiting with WTAW’s Scott DeLucia.