The next step has been taken that could lead to Brazos County getting more state money to spend on transportation projects.
That’s after county commissioners agreed to apply to the Texas Transportation Commission to create a regional mobility authority, also known as a RMA.
A member of the RMA steering committee, Doug Bramwell, described it as a district within the ten county Bryan TxDOT district, a district that has mostly rural counties where there is a focus on Interstate 45.
The RMA would have a locally named board chosen by the county commission, led by a presiding officer chosen by the governor.
The group does not have taxing authority but can take eminent domain action.
In addition to highways, the RMA can develop toll roads, railroads, and take action involving public transportation and airports among other things.
One possible project is something being developed by the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization. Executive Director Dan Rudge says the RMA would allow Brazos County to move forward with building a tunnel to allow traffic on University Drive to bypass Northgate. That would allow thru traffic for two lanes in each direction, while above ground there would be one lane in each direction along with improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Click HERE to read and download the presentation given to Brazos County commissioners.
Click below for comments from Doug Bramwell from the Brazos County commission meeting on October 16, 2018.