Brazos Valley Boy Scouts Hold Kickoff Luncheon Which Honors Dave South

The Boy Scouts district that includes the Brazos Valley presented a “Good Scouts Award” to retired Texas A&M football and men’s basketball play by play announcer Dave South at its yearly kickoff luncheon.

South, who showed off his Cub Scout t-shirt, which had been saved by his mother, talked about leadership and his faith.


The luncheon also featured comments from Arrowmoon district committee member Brien Smith, volunteer Royce Hickman, and the chief operating officer of the Sam Houston Boy Scouts council, Thomas Edwards.




The Arrowmoon district has 880 Scouts, more than 300 registered adult volunteers, and one paid employee.

Last year, the district had 40 new Eagle Scouts; who logged 4,500 hours in community projects that had a combined monetary value of more than $110,000 dollars.

The luncheon also raised more than $23,000 dollars for scouts to go to camp.

Dave South holding his Cub Scout shirt during remarks at the Kickoff Scouting luncheon in Bryan, August 23, 2018.

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