College Station School Board Announces A Special Meeting To Revisit High School Boundary Adjustments And Grandfathering

The College Station school board is holding a special meeting Friday at noon to revisit last month’s votes on changing high school attendance boundaries and who will be grandfathered when the changes start in the 2019-2020 school year.

The special meeting is the result of board member Michael Schaefer requesting to reconsider the April 19th vote to not grandfather eighth graders. Schaefer was one of two board members who voted to include eighth graders.

CSISD board policy allows one board member to request an agenda item.

According to a statement released by board president Jeff Harris, the decision was made to hold a special meeting this Friday instead of waiting until the next regularly scheduled meeting on May 15.

Quoting part of a prepared statement from Harris that was released by the CSISD central office: “We want to limit uncertainty and confusion so that our students and their families can make the best possible decisions moving forward.”

From CSISD, the statement from board of trustees president Jeff Harris regarding the special workshop:

“Even though the Board of Trustees made final decisions concerning the boundary adjustment process on April 19, there has been a formal request to have the matters placed on a future Board agenda so that the Board can revisit its decisions. Due to the importance and timing of upcoming events designed to assist students affected by the boundary changes, it is important for the Board to make its intentions on these matters clear as soon as possible. We want to limit uncertainty and confusion so that our students and their families can make the best possible decisions moving forward. Accordingly, I have called a special meeting of the Board for this Friday at noon, instead of waiting until our regularly-scheduled meeting on May 15.”

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