College Station City Council Approves New Athletic Field Lighting And Additional Work At Lincoln Recreation Center

More than $1 million dollars of new lighting at College Station softball and soccer fields is planned for later this year. The city council at its last meeting approved a contract for L-E-D lights at Central Park softball fields and Brian Bachmann park soccer fields. According to background information from parks and recreation director David Schmitz, current systems that are costly to maintain will be replaced with better lighting that also reduces maintenance and electrical costs. When the switch takes place is still under study, due to the logistics that are necessary to work around when the fields are being used.

Click HERE to read and download background information on new lighting.

The ongoing expansion and renovation of College Station’s Lincoln Recreation Center is going to take longer following an unexpected expense. At the last College Station city council meeting, approval was given to the project’s sixth change order. The $220,000 dollar addition will include removing more than 3,400 square feet of floor tile that contains asbestos. The latest change order will also replace the existing roof, switch lighting fixtures to L-E-D, and getting new doors and windows. This will add another month of construction to the project, which was approved by voters in College Station’s 2008 bond issue.

Click HERE to read and download background information on additional work at Lincoln Recreation Center.

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