Bryan School Board Updates District And Campus Improvement Plans With New Administrators

Bryan school board members on Monday adopted annual improvement plans for individual campuses and the district as a whole.

The difference in this year’s plans is the new philosophy coming from new central office administrators.

Board member and retired teacher Ruthie Waller said there is now communication from the superintendent’s office instead of what she called a “gotcha” attitude.

The superintendent’s new chief of staff, Ginger Carrabine, is in charge of updating the improvement plans…which filter down to campus principals and teachers.

Superintendent Christie Whitbeck told the board she shared the board expects of her to members of the district’s leadership team last week…a message she says also works it way to all BISD employees.

Click below for some of the comments made during the October 2, 2017 Bryan school board meeting.


Click HERE to read and download the Bryan ISD district improvement plan.

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