9 Houstonians Busted With Gallons of PCP

HOUSTON (AP) _ Federal officials say that nine Houston residents have been arrested after an 18-month operation climaxing in the seizure of 57 gallons of PCP.

A statement from U.S. Attorney Jose Angel Moreno in Houston says that makes it the largest such seizure of the controlled substance in Drug Enforcement Administration history

In announcing Wednesday’s arrests, Moreno says the seizure was of “actual PCP,” the controlled substance itself, rather than its ingredients.

A federal grand jury returned the sealed indictment last month. It was unsealed after Wednesday’s arrests.

The defendants face various drug charges in the indictment, including conspiring to possess PCP with intent to distribute. Two others previously arrested in the operation have pleaded guilty.

(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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