College Station City Council Approves Contract To Continue Francis Drive Reconstruction And Decides To Study Future Bike Lanes Near The Texas A&M Campus

This week’s College Station city council meeting included awarding a contract to rebuild Francis Drive between Shady Lane and Walton.

The project also includes a wider sidewalk, new water and wastewater lines, and bike lanes on the street.

Before the vote, councilman John Crompton asked but failed to get support to relocate bike lanes from the street in order to create separation between bicycle and vehicular traffic.


The council was told redesigning to make that change would delay the project.

During that discussion, there was no opposition to councilman John Nichols to have city staff look at possible locations of future bike lanes that would be protected from vehicular traffic.


This is the second phase of rebuilding Francis Drive. The $3.2 million dollar project cost came in under budget by almost $600,000 dollars.

Completion is expected, weather permitting, by the end of 2021.

A neighborhood meeting on the upcoming construction will be held at College Station city hall on March 18th at 6 p.m.

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