Bryan City Council Denies Rezoning Request on Boonville Road

Screenshot from Slate's PowerPoint presentation to the Bryan City Council

A developer’s request to rezone a piece of land in Bryan to include multifamily housing, which was recommended for approval by the planning and zoning commission, was rejected by the city council this week.

The land is at the corner of Boonville Road and Copperfield Drive. Monica Palasota was one of several opponents who spoke at this week’s city council meeting.

“We believe apartments would undermine our neighborhood characteristics, unfairly crowd our schools, take away from the peaceful environment of Carriage Inn, and congest our neighborhood gateway, as well as attract students and wrongdoers,” said Palasota.

Jeff Hobbs, who also opposed the apartments, wants to see more food and retail.

“I think another strip center that mirrors what is across the street would be great,” said Hobbs.

Councilman Jared Salvato said the developer did their due diligence.

“It was going to be a great project, but ultimately it was determined that it just wasn’t the right fit,” said Salvato.

Councilman James Edge says it was the most citizen comments he’s heard since joining the council.

“The developer wanted to rezone from the comprehensive plan and the citizens in the area, for the most part, did not want this project,” said Edge.

The council voted six to one to reject the rezoning request, which was recommended for approval by the planning and zoning commission.

Click here to watch the Bryan City Council meeting with public comments.

Click here to view the developer’s presentation

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