News/Talk 1620 WTAW has been recognized by the Texas Associated Press Broadcasters (TAPB) with 23 awards for news and sports coverage and online content during 2013.
Awards will be presented April 12 at the Headliners Club in Austin to News Director Bill Oliver, former News Reporter Kat McMullen (who is now an announcer on Peace 107), Sports Director Kevin O’Connor, Infomaniacs host Scott DeLucia, Sports Reporter/Anchor Zach Taylor, and the A&M Consolidated High School football announcing team of Mike Wright, Mark Green, and Bob Wright.
WTAW is also a finalist for Best Newscast. That will be announced at the April 12 awards banquet.
WTAW completed in TAPB Radio Division B, which covers the state except for the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin markets.
WTAW received nine first place, seven second place, and seven honorable mention (HM) awards.
News Anchor or Anchor Team
2. Bill Oliver
1. Kevin O’Connor
HM: Zach Taylor
1. Bill Oliver
HM: Kat McMullen
Specialty or Beat Reporting
1. Bill Oliver-College Station City Council
2. Bill Oliver-Texas A&M System Board of Regents
Sports Play-by-Play
1. Mike Wright, Mark Green & Bob Wright. A&M Consolidated High School Football
Spot News by a Reporter
1. Bill Oliver-Announcement of New Manufacturer (Axis Pipe & Tube)
2. Bill Oliver-West Explosion-The Day After
Spot News by a Station
1. Bill Oliver, Scott DeLucia & Kat McMullen. West Explosion-The Morning After
Use of Actuality-Production
2. Bill Oliver-Blessing the Construction of St. Joseph’s New Trauma Center
General Assignment
HM: Bill Oliver-Election Night Recap
Sports Story or Sports Series
1. Bill Oliver-A&M Catfishing Stories
2. Zach Taylor-High School Football Preview
HM: Bill Oliver-Planning for Largest Maroon & White Scrimmage Crowd
Continuing Coverage
1. Bill Oliver-Arsenal Tattoo
2. Bill Oliver-Kyle Field Redevelopment
HM: Bill Oliver-College Station School District Bond Issue
Digital (Includes Website, Social Media & Smartphone App)
HM: WTAW Digital Platform Staff
Feature (Serious)
2. Bill Oliver-Bryan Firemen Memorial Service
Feature (Light)
1. Kevin O’Connor Kommentary-Grammar Police
HM: Bill Oliver-Rotten Banana