Weekend DWI arrests in the twin cities include two with multiple prior convictions.
A Bryan police officer stopping a car early Saturday morning with an invalid temporary tag led to the driver being arrested for DWI with three prior convictions. 59 year old Roberto Bustos of Bryan is out of jail after posting a $10,000 dollar bond.
Friday night, another Bryan police officer attempted to stop a pickup speeding on Highway 21 in front of the Brazos County sheriff’s office. The pickup pulled into the driveway of a home two blocks away and the driver attempted to walk inside the house when the officer noticed alcohol on the driver’s breath. That led to the arrest of 34 year old Jose Guadalupe Pineda for DWI with two prior convictions. Pineda is out of jail after posting a $10,000 dollar bond.
A College Station woman went to jail last Friday on a DWI charge related to a crash December 20th at Longmire and Graham Road. According to the College Station police arrest report, a fire department vehicle stopped the vehicle that was leaving the scene after rear-ending another vehicle. The driver of the vehicle that was stopped was taken to the hospital, where blood alcohol tests revealed the driver was more than three times over the legal limit at point .246. 61 year old Marjorie Svejda of College Station is out of jail after posting a $2,000 dollar bond.