20 year old Tarod London Jr. told College Station police according to arrest reports that he and 18 year old Roshinah Tompkins were in his car fighting and tussling over his AR-15 rifle when one shot was fired.
London says the shot was fired while they were driving through Prairie View.
He said he panicked and drove home instead of seeking medical attention.
London said he carried Tompkins inside his apartment, attempted CPR, then left without Tompkins and drove out of town to a family member’s home.
London said he did not know what he was going to do with the body, but something had to be done because he was being evicted.
A CSPD detective interviewed London after his mother drove him to CSPD headquarters.
The arrest reports also stated CSPD had responded to prior domestic calls involving London and Tompkins.
London was arrested on charges of moving a corpse, evidence tampering, and firing his gun last month outside his apartment following an argument with Tompkins.
As of Tuesday afternoon, London was jailed in lieu of bonds totaling $205,000 dollars.
Update, Tuesday morning, July 27, 2021:
College Station police have identified the victim in a homicide investigation.
According to CSPD tweets, 18 year-old Roshinah Tompkins was found dead at a residence on Copperfield Parkway on Sunday evening.
Monday afternoon, CSPD reported questioning a person of interest.
Texas Rangers are assisting CSPD in the ongoing investigation.

Update, Monday, July 26, 2021:
College Station police responded to a welfare concern call just before 6:30 p.m. on Sunday evening on Copperfield Parkway, between University Drive and Harvey Road.
According to a CSPD tweet, officers found a deceased person.
An update from CSPD Monday afternoon stated the case has turned into a homicide investigation. The identity of the victim has not been released.
CSPD has a person of interest detained for questioning, and there is no danger to the public.
The investigation is ongoing.