UPDATE: Bryan Adult Themed Business Removes Texas A&M References From Building Mural

Update, September 29 2018:

References to Texas A&M on the outside of the Planet K building have been removed.

While the south side of the building still includes a collie, the blanket covering the dog with the A&M bevel logo is gone..as are the Aggie ring statute and a hand wearing an Aggie ring and signaling “Gig ‘Em”.

The south side of the Planet K building in Bryan, September 29 2018.

Original story, September 14 2018:

An adult themed business is open in Bryan, but not inside their building.

The founder of Austin-based Planet K, Michael Kleinman, said they are waiting for the city of Bryan to turn on their electricity.

Kleinman, who held a press conference on Friday, said they were “tired of waiting” so they are running the business under two tents in their parking lot until they can get into their building.

According to the city of Bryan’s marketing and communications specialist Kala McCain, Planet K’s power was disconnected because they did not and do not have a commercial permit. McCain says Planet K applied for a permit, but it was denied due to insufficient documentation, and the business has to reapply for the commercial permit. WTAW News has filed an open records request for a copy of Planet K’s application and any information as to what led the application to be denied.

Planet K also ran into issues with Texas A&M University for their exterior murals depicting Reveille, the Aggie Ring statue, and a hand signaling “Gig ’em” with an Aggie Ring on.

Artist Kerry Awn says he had no idea he was doing anything wrong.

“My thought was they’re going to like this, they’re going to want this, because this is school spirit, but later I realized you have to protect trademarks and stuff, I went in ignorant, I plead that,” said Awn.

Awn says Texas A&M is giving him two weeks to remove the trademarked artwork from his murals.

Listen to “Planet K Founder Michael Kleinman” on Spreaker.

Listen to “Planet K Mural Artist Kerry Awn” on Spreaker.

Part of the mural at the Bryan Planet K building, September 14, 2018
Mural at the Bryan Planet K building, September 14 2018.
Mural at the Bryan Planet K building, September 14 2018.

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