A Calvert man was arrested by Brazos County sheriff’s deputies last Thursday on warrants from three other counties and a parole violation. Two of the warrants against 27 year old Ralph Ballard are from Robertson County, charging him with stealing at least $30,000 dollars of unidentified property and unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon. A warrant from Lee County accuses Ballard of stealing at least $150,000 dollars of livestock. No additional information is available from Robertson and Lee counties. And a warrant from Parker County accuses Ballard of failing to register as a sex offender. No charge or jurisdiction were named in jail records regarding the parole violation.
A College Station man is in the Brazos County jail after he was arrested by Texas A&M police last Thursday on six warrants from Hearne police. The warrants accuse 21 year old Javareyon Bailey of rioting, riot participation, two assaults causing bodily injury, engaging in organized criminal activity, and criminal trespassing. No additional information was available from Hearne police about the warrants.