A Somerville woman is in the Burleson County jail on bonds totaling $300,000 dollars. That follows a chase last Friday through parts of Burleson and Brazos counties. According to DPS Sgt. Jimmy Morgan, the pursuit started east of Caldwell on Highway 21 near FM 2000 when a Burleson County deputy identified a stolen SUV. During the 49 minute pursuit, the driver threw unidentified items out of the SUV that struck patrol vehicles. The chase ended after the SUV drove over spikes on Highway 6 near the Navasota River. The driver is then accused of getting out of the SUV and began swinging a bat. Sgt. Morgan says that resulted in the woman being shot with a Taser. 29 year old Tabitha Windom was arrested on charges that include unauthorized use of a vehicle, evading arrest, and aggravated assault.
A Caldwell woman is out of the Brazos County jail after posting bonds following her arrests on charges of assaulting two CHI St. Joseph employees, then a detention officer. According to the Bryan police arrest report, 38 year old Whitney Gold was being discharged due to violent behavior towards staff. Gold is accused of scratching a technician and the security manager, which broke the skin of both victims and drew blood. At the jail, according to the sheriff’s office arrest report, it took five people to get Gold in her cell. Surveillance video showed one deputy was kicked in the knee.