The weekly report to Brazos County commissioners of the population in the juvenile detention center is typically acknowledged with a thank you. That was not the case this week.
A deputy director in the juvenile services department, Joel Hein, presented this week’s population report. Hein said on Tuesday “Our numbers this morning are looking better. We have 34 total youth in detention.”
That was followed by the reaction from county commissioners Irma Cauley and Nancy Berry. Cauley said “That seems awful high for our department.” Berry added “It’s up from last week, for sure.”
According to county commission meeting minutes, 34 held in juvenile detention August 17 was the same number as the week before.
The meeting minutes showed the population was between 30 and 37 in eight of the ten reports given to commissioners between May 25 and August 10.
Hein also reported there continues to be alternative programs to keep young people out of juvenile detention. Hein said they “are trying to keep the kids involved in something positive.”
According to county commission meeting minutes, juvenile services reported the following population reports:
8/17/21: 34
8/10/21: 34
8/3/21: 31
7/27/21: 32
7/20/21: 30
7/6/21: 30
7/2/21: 30
6/22/21: 25
6/15/21: 23
6/8/21: 24
6/1/21: 37
5/25/21: 35
5/18/21: 29
5/11/21: 22
5/4/21: 26
Click below for comments during the August 17, 2021 Brazos County commission meeting from Joel Hein, Irma Cauley, and Nancy Berry.