Thursday’s College Station city council meeting includes a proposal to get tougher on door to door salespeople and other solicitors.
The council is being asked to add requirements and restrictions.
That includes making for-profit solicitors register through the police department and wear a badge proving city certification.
Hours would be limited from 9 a.m. until 30 minutes after sunset except for federal holidays.
The ordinance would add a section addressing aggressive solicitation, defined as approaching or following pedestrians, repetitive soliciting despite refusals, the use of abusive or profane language to cause fear or intimidation, unwanted physical contact, or intentional blocking of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Aggressive solicitation can also take place at or near 12 public and private areas. They include being in a bus or at a bus stop and within 25 feet of the following areas where the public is considered vulnerable or where solicitation would interfere with the flow of traffic:
a. An automated teller facility;
b. An automated teller machine;
c. The entrance or exit of a bank;
d. The entrance or exit of a check cashing business;
e. The entrance or exit of a credit access business;
f. A self-service or automated car wash or self-service fuel pump;
g. A parking meter or parking pay station on a street;
h. A public parking garage;
i. At a marked crosswalk; or
j. The entrance or exit of a restaurant or patio area of a bar or restaurant.
Click HERE to read the proposal from the College Station city council agenda.