A College Station woman who turns 21 on Sunday is booked in the Brazos County jail for the ninth time in almost three years. College Station police arrested Skylett Duffie on a charge of injuring a 14 year old girl down the street from Duffie’s home Thursday afternoon. According to the CSPD arrest report, Duffie kicked the teen in the head, struck her, and dragged her. Duffie told officers she was breaking up a fight among a group of juveniles. The victim said she was intentionally assaulted. And a witness said Duffie was not trying to break up the fight. Duffie, who is held in lieu of bonds totaling $72,000 dollars, is also awaiting trials in five criminal cases. Those charges include thefts of clothing last year at the Dillard’s men’s store and Victoria’s Secret.
A Bryan man is booked in the Brazos County jail for the 13th time in the last two years following his arrest for punching in the mouth, the owner of a downtown Bryan restaurant who would not let him inside. According to the Bryan police report, customers of Taco Crave were holding down 68 year old Wilton Stewart after Thursday night’s assault. Stewart, who is awaiting six trials on charges that include criminal trespassing, indecent exposure, and possession of a dangerous drug, is jailed in lieu of a $4,000 dollar bond.