College Station police make three arrests in separate incidents where officers were assaulted.
On Monday night (October 9), two officers attempted to arrest a man on a warrant for providing false information. According to the CSPD arrest reports, 41 year old Daniel Carpenter was tased several times after putting one officer in a chokehold around the officer’s neck that caused a bruise on the side of his head. Another officer reported several injuries that included cuts and scrapes. Carpenter remains in jail in lieu of bonds totaling $80,000 dollars.
A College Station police officer was injured by a visitor to the Northgate district after the bars closed early Sunday morning (October 8). The CSPD arrest report says the officer was not able to get the visitor who was first charged with disorderly conduct to give their name. Then the visitor head-butted the officer and threatened to injure the officer again. That led to a man from the Kansas City area, 33 year old Michael Painter, being arrested for assault, resisting, and retaliation. Painter is out of jail after posting bonds totaling $23,000 dollars.
A College Station police officer at the scene of a two vehicle crash near the airport Saturday night (October 7) gets injured by one of the two drivers. The CSPD arrest report says a 71 year old driver who was suspected of being intoxicated, was not arrested for D-W-I. But the driver, who wanted to leave the scene, was arrested after punching an officer with a closed fist with enough force to knock the officer’s eyeglasses off his face. The arrest report also says Nathan Moffatt…who is five feet 11 and 245 pounds, kicked the officer…who is five-nine and 160 pounds…in the shin and injured the officer’s right wrist and elbow. Three fire department medics assisted the officer in getting Moffatt in handcuffs. Moffatt was not transported to jail. He was released from CSPD custody after promising to make future court appearances.