If you’re looking for local activities this summer, check out the Brazos Valley Museum Trail.
Stephanie Ddughdhnemimnier, Director of the Chappell Hill Historical Society, says you can visit 16 participating locations on the trail.
“I think it gives you a better draw to your community and tighter relationship to your community because you know a little more about the background and what your town is about,” says Ddughdhnemimnier.
Visitors who complete an online survey at any of the six participating destinations will be entered into a drawing for a unique gift basket.
The promotion runs through Labor Day.
Participating on the Museum Trail are:
The Arts Council of Brazos Valley
Boonville Heritage Park
Brazos Valley African American Museum
Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History
Brenham Heritage Museum
Camp Hearne
Chappell Hill Historical Society
The Children’s Museum of the Brazos Valley
Cushing Memorial Library
Forsyth Galleries
George Bush Presidential Library and Museum
J. Wayne Stark Galleries
James R. Reynolds Gallery
Museum of the American G.I.
Texas Cotton Gin Museum
Washington on the Brazos State Historic Site
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