Texas A&M West Campus Building Struck By A Truck

Two people were taken to the hospital after a truck struck a Texas A&M University building on west campus Thursday afternoon.

According to University police, the truck was headed west on Raymond Stotzer Parkway when it struck a vehicle that was stopped in the left turn lane to turn south onto Olsen.

The driver of the truck then turned right, going north on Agronomy, when it left the pavement and drove into the west side of the Entomology Research Lab building.

Investigators believe the collisions were due to medical reasons.

As of Thursday afternoon, the unidentified driver for J.L. Malone Electrical Construction of Albany, Georgia, was still in the hospital.

One person inside the lab building, identified as a staff member, walked outside to an ambulance and was taken to the hospital for further examination.

The collisions, which remain under investigation, closed the intersection of Stotzer and Agronomy for two hours.

Plywood on the side of the Texas A&M Entomology Research laboratory building after a truck struck the structure, January 18 2018.

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