Texas House Votes To Order The Return Of Members With Unexcused Absences

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Screen shot from https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/RecordVote.aspx?LegSess=872&RcdVtNo=4&Ch=H&Dt=08/10/2021

The Texas House approves a motion to bring back to Austin, members who have unexcused absences.

Following the 80-12 vote on the motion by representative Will Metcalf of Montgomery, Speaker Dade Phelan announced members had to get his written permission to leave.

Brazos Valley representatives who voted yes included John Raney of Bryan, Kyle Kacal of College Station, Ben Leman of Anderson, and Trent Ashby of Lufkin.

Click below for comments from Will Metcalf and Dade Phelan on August 10, 2021:

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Screen shot from Screen shot from https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/RecordVote.aspx?LegSess=872&RcdVtNo=4&Ch=H&Dt=08/10/2021
Screen shot from Screen shot from https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/RecordVote.aspx?LegSess=872&RcdVtNo=4&Ch=H&Dt=08/10/2021

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