Texas A&M’s Athletic Department’s Faculty Representative Presentation To The Faculty Senate Focuses On Paying Student Athletes

Screen shot from a document provided by Texas A&M athletics faculty representative Dr. Paul Batista.
Screen shot from a document provided by Texas A&M athletics faculty representative Dr. Paul Batista.

June’s meeting of the Texas A&M faculty senate included a presentation from the faculty representative to the A&M athletic department.

Most of the time spent by associate professor of sport management and attorney Paul Batista was about paying student athletes.

As for the existing rules regarding N-I-L…name, image, and likeness…Dr. Batista said an unnamed A&M baseball player is receiving $500,000 dollars and multiple athletes are receiving at least $250,000 dollars.

Batista also said 96 percent of N-I-L money at A&M is going to male athletes.

Batista said N-I-L had been his major focus. But it has been replaced by the impact of the recent announcement of a proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit that will result in billions of dollars going to collegiate student athletes.

He expected A&M will be spending another $20 to $22 million dollars as the result of the House vs. NCAA lawsuit. And that will result in more layoffs in the A&M athletic department, following the elimination of 18 positions six weeks ago.

As for A&M eliminating teams, Bautista said “certainly everybody in the athletic department says we do not want to do that. That would be an absolute last resort (at A&M).” But “it’s going to happen on a lot of college campuses.”

Batista also shared academic achievements by Texas A&M student athletes that includes the grade point average for the spring 2024 semester was the highest ever for members of A&M’s football team and for student athletes as a group.

Click HERE to read and download presentation materials used by Paul Batista during the June 10, 2024 Texas A&M faculty senate meeting.

Click below to hear the presentation and the question and answer period during the June 10, 2024 Texas A&M faculty senate meeting.

Listen to “Texas A&M's athletic department's faculty representative presentation to the faculty senate focuses on paying student athletes” on Spreaker.

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