Texas A&M Provost Tells Faculty Senate A 10 Percent Reduction Of On-Campus Students Means A $63 Million Dollar Revenue Loss

Screen shots from ttvn.tamus.edu.

If ten percent of Texas A&M’s student body does not return to campus this fall, university officials estimate a revenue loss of $63 million dollars.

That was part of provost Carol Fierke’s presentation during Monday’s A&M faculty senate meeting.

Dr. Fierke says 7,000 students have registered for all remote classes, while 60 percent have registered for at least two face to face classes.

Faculty senate member Bobby Reece told the provost he is willing to support a tiered furlough in order to move all classes online.

Part of Fierke’s response, was that many students have not thrived by learning at home. She also brought up the 19 to 29 age group has the lowest hospitalization and death rates.

Click below for comments from Carol Fierke and Bobby Reece during the July 13, 2020 Texas A&M faculty senate meeting.

Listen to “Texas A&M estimates losing $63 million in revenue if 10 percent of on-campus students do not return” on Spreaker.

Statement issued by provost Carol Fierke, July 14 2020:

Updates for Fall 2020 courses, registration, distance education tuition, and safety procedures
Published on Tue 07/14/20

As I previously wrote:

Colleges may make changes to time, location, and mode of delivery of courses during the next two weeks.

The final schedule will post Friday, July 24th and open registration begins on Monday, July 27th.

To date, we can report the following data:

More than 50% of course sections are now offered face to face and 63% of students have two or more courses face to face (with a remote option). We are making every attempt to get all students at least one face to face course and most with two face to face courses (with a remote option).

University-managed classroom capacities have been updated for physical distancing and are published here.

As a reminder, with the exception of some professional programs, no student will be required to be on campus.

Face Covering Policy

The Faculty Senate approved a syllabus addendum for fall informing students about campus safety measures. The Faculty Senate will send information to campus soon.
Faculty may lecture in face shields if desired although face coverings must be worn entering and exiting the building. The face covering policy and FAQ are available at provost.tamu.edu.

To attend a face-to-face class, students must wear a face covering (or a face shield if they have an exemption letter). If a student refuses to wear a face covering, the instructor should ask the student to leave and join the class remotely. If the student does not leave the class, the faculty member should report that student to the Student Conduct office for sanctions. Additionally, the faculty member may choose to teach that day’s class remotely for all students.

Enhanced Cleaning and Safety

In most rooms on the main campus, we have increased fresh air flow into the HVAC system and decreased the amount of recirculated air.

Teaching spaces will be equipped with portable plexiglass shields for use by faculty when lecturing to provide protection for airborne droplets.

Classrooms will be disinfected twice a day.

High traffic building lobbies and teaching spaces will receive an additional cleaning and disinfection.

Large computer labs (over 50 stations) will have a stationed porter service to clean stations between student use.

Hand sanitizer stands will be placed at entrances to every building and at each bank of elevators at every floor. Disinfectant spray bottles and paper towels will be provided to faculty and staff for use in the library, research labs, computer labs (less than 50 stations), and all classrooms.

Reporting COVID, Testing, and Contact Tracing

Students, faculty, and staff who test positive for COVID-19 or who are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are required to self-report through this COVID-19 Report Form.
Additional information about COVID testing and contact tracing will be released this week.

Distance Education Tuition

The university will not charge the additional distance education differential tuition for undergraduate students resulting in a net savings of $8.5 million in tuition to students for the fall semester.

Closing comments

This information and additional details are provided on the Fall 2020 FAQ and accessible through provost.tamu.edu. Information will be updated periodically.

I anticipate providing the next update on academic planning the week of July 27th.

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