“Since the beginning of COVID-19, the health and safety of our student-athletes, coaches and staff has been our number one priority. Throughout the last several months, we have been reminded how important it is to be flexible and nimble, because this scenario was expected to happen. While we are disappointed we are not able to play this weekend, we are appreciative of the SEC’s foresight to build in the flexibility that allows us to reschedule the Tennessee game.
We currently have three active cases within our football program, including two who traveled with the team to South Carolina, and one who did not travel to South Carolina because of a positive test on November 5. The nature of away game travel (flights, meals, lodging, locker room, etc.) naturally leads to an increase in the number of student-athletes, coaches and staff who meet the criteria for mandatory quarantine based on contact tracing guidelines. We are asking everyone around our university community to stay vigilant and follow all of the safety protocols and best practices as we approach the end of the fall sports seasons.”
Ross Bjork, Texas A&M Director of Athletics
“First, and foremost, is the health and safety of our players in our football program. I would never jeopardize their well-being and we will continue to follow all protocols. Our football team roster has fallen below the SEC threshold in order to compete this week due to two players testing positive for COVID, the contact tracing associated with the road trip, to go along with the players who have opted out and who are injured. We look forward to getting back out there because our team has been practicing and playing well.”
Jimbo Fisher, Texas A&M Head Football Coach