The March meeting of the Bryan city council included city manager Kean Register providing capital project updates and upcoming city sponsored activities. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • A preconstruction meeting for the Midtown Park Boardwalk project was held with the contractor, who is draining the lake so that the projects may begin this month, and finish as early as October. • The City has staked well locations for the Midtown Park Water Wells project, with work anticipated to begin this month and last into the fall. • South College Avenue is open from Villa Maria to Waverly. Rountree continues to be used as a bypass around the Williamson intersection, which is closed as they construct the roundabout, which should be open for traffic in May. • Construction on the Bristol Street and Esther Blvd Drainage project continues with the large concrete box culverts being installed down Esther. The scope of the project includes adding extensive drainage structures to improve the drainage in the area, and it is expected to complete by end of 2025. • The Hillside Drive/Old Oaks Dr Drainage Improvements construction is substantially complete and in punch list phase. • Phase 1 of the Old Hearne Road project is substantially complete and the contractor is working on punch list items. • The Old Hearne Road Extension Project has commenced, and will extend approximately 1,800 linear feet of new curb and gutter street, sidewalk, and storm sewer, making the connection to the N. Earl Rudder Frontage Road and the new BTU Administration Building. Construction is expected to complete by end of 2025. • Construction for the Traffic Signal Replacements on Villa Maria at Briarcrest and Briarcrest at Broadmoor should be completed by end of the month. PARKS AND POOLS UPDATES: • City staff began the turf improvement project at the BRAC soccer fields last week; work consists of soil remediation and leveling of rough areas. This project will be ongoing through a portion of the summer. • The contractor for the Bryan Aquatic Center Bulkhead Project continues to assemble the new bulkhead, including anchoring of the new bulkhead and starting the installation of the top trim. Due to shipping times, weather delays, and unforeseen repairs noticed after the pool was drained, the closure date has been extended through March 31 with a reopening date of Tuesday, April 1. • Due to the recent wind storm, a light pole fell at Sue Haswell Park; staff removed the downed pole and are in the process of installing a replacement. • City staff installed a split rail fence along a steep slope of the drainage flume on the Turkey Creek Trail near Westwood Main to address a safety concern. • The Introduction to Pickleball classes are held every Thursday until April 8th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Neal Recreation Center. • The City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department is hiring seasonal positions which include: lifeguard, pool cashier, swim instructor, and camp counselor. Applicants must be at least 16 years old, and American Red Cross lifeguard certification courses are available. If an individual is hired and work for the Department from May 25 to August 10, the certification costs will be reimbursed at the end of the season. Online application is required at • Registration is underway for parks programs, such as Start Smart Soccer, 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, Swim Stroke Clinic, and Spring Swim Lessons. • Adults 55 years and older are invited to a Senior Social on Tuesday, April 8 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Neal Recreation Center, where participants will receive expert advice on planting, caring for plants, and keeping a garden healthy year-round. The cost is $5 per person, and registration is online or pay at the door. • The Blue Bunny Egg Hunt is at Sue Haswell Memorial Park on Saturday, April 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Free activities include an egg hunt for children, Bryan Police Department vehicle displays, face painting, train rides, inflatables, and photos with the Easter Bunny. Photos with the Easter Bunny will be from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Leashed pets are welcome. Parking is located within the park; a shuttle will not be available. • For more information on any of these events, please go to the Parks page at IN OTHER NEWS…. • The Bryan Animal Center is offering $7 adoptions through Monday, March 31. All adoptions include spay/neuter, microchip, basic vaccinations, and a sample food bag. For more information, contact the Bryan Animal Center at 979-209-5260 or visit 2207 Finfeather Road. • The second annual Michael Hearne’s Big Barn Dance in Bryan is from Thursday, March 27 to Saturday, March 29 in Travis Bryan Midtown Park. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to: • The free Downtown Bryan Street & Art Fair is Saturday, April 5, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. during Texas A&M’s Family Weekend and features live music, family-friendly activities, hands-on art demonstrations, shopping, education, and more. For more information, go to • Travis Fields at Travis Bryan Midtown Park will host a helicopter egg drop on Sunday, April 13, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This free, family-friendly event features an egg drop with candy and small prizes, photos with the Easter Bunny, concessions, and a local vendor market. The egg drop will take place at noon, and Pre-K through 5th graders can participate. For more information, go to