Recapping Some Local Christmas Time Arrests

A Bryan man returned to the Brazos County jail for the second time in ten days, the third time in six weeks, and the sixth time in seven months. A Bryan policeman wrote in his arrest report he recognized a driver he passed as 18 year old Frank Blanco. After stopping the truck, the officer smelled marijuana. Blanco and a passenger, 20 year old Armando Perez of Bryan, were arrested after a search of the truck led to the officer finding small amounts of marijuana and cocaine and $378 dollars cash. According to online jail records, Perez has been in jail four times since March and eight times since April of 2015.

A Bryan man released from jail Christmas Eve after serving time for a vehicle burglary was arrested during the midnight hour Wednesday morning on similar charges. Bryan police report an officer on patrol in the area of Sherwood and Brandywine noticed dome lights on a couple of parked vehicles. The officer stopped and got out and found a man hiding behind a vehicle. The suspect was caught after a four block foot chase. 18 year old Darian Taylor’s seventh time in jail this year accuses him of entering three unlocked vehicles and taking a cell phone, a Coach brand purse, and three dollars in change.

The third arrest of a Bryan man since March was for possessing six small bags of marijuana in a drug free zone. The Bryan police arrest report also indicated finding more than $3,400 dollars on a picnic table at Scurry Park, which is considered a high narcotics area. 22 year old Jacorey Jones told the officer he “did not care about a couple bags of weed because he was fighting larger dope cases.” Jones is out of jail after posting bond the day he was arrested.

Christmas Day at Santa’s Wonderland included a woman getting punched in the jaw so hard that her hot chocolate flew out of her hand and land several feet. The arrest report from the Brazos County sheriff’s office indicated the woman’s husband ran after the suspect, who was eventually caught by law enforcement. 21 year old Mitchell Lee Smith of Waller was arrested for assault causing bodily injury. The woman said she was taking family pictures and leaning on a snowman when she was struck.

A Brazos County jail inmate is accused of giving a detention officer a bloody nose on the Thursday before Christmas. According to online records, 21 year old Rashawn Jones was being held on a Brazos County charge for a home burglary in December of last year and a motion to revoke probation from a conviction in McLennan County of assaulting a public servant. According to the arrest report, Jones was refusing to move to another cell due to behavior problems. The officer who was struck received medical treatment and returned to work.

Photos (L-R) of Frank Blanco, Armando Perez, Darian Taylor, Jacorey Jones, Mitchell Lee Smith,and Rashawn Jones from







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