If you live in south Brazos County and are voting this November, you will see a proposition on the ballot for Brazos County Emergency Services District No. 1.
Taylor Gibson, Commissioner and Treasurer, says the purpose of the proposition is to raise the tax rate cap from three to ten cents. The funds generated would go towards payroll for a fire chief and three firefighter positions.
Gibson says this paid daytime shift is needed because volunteerism is down at the South Brazos County Fire Department.
“There are a lot more homesteads out there and subdivisions, and the call volume has essentially doubled whereas the volunteers that we have working for the department has been cut in half,” says Gibson.
Gibson says the paid daytime shift will help support volunteer firefighters who work full-time jobs and prefer to volunteer at nights or on the weekends.
ESD #1 is one of two Brazos County ESDs with a proposition on this November’s general election ballot.
News release from Brazos County Emergency Services District No. 1:
What: Proposition Election for Brazos County Emergency Services District No. 1
When: November 3, 2020 with Early Voting beginning October 13, 2020
Where: South Brazos County
Website: http://sbcfd.net/BCESD1Home
Description: Brazos County Emergency Services District No. 1 has a proposition on the November ballot. The proposition gives authority to Brazos County ESD 1 to implement the modern ad valorem (property tax) cap of $.10/$100 property valuation. Currently, the District is limited to $.03/$100 valuation, originally established for Rural Fire Protection Districts. All modern Emergency Services Districts are created with the $.10/$100 cap already in place. Voters will choose “for” or “against” the proposition as stated:
“To authorize in Brazos County Emergency Services District No. 1 a maximum ad valorem tax rate of ten cents on each one hundred dollars ($0.10/$100) of taxable value of property.”
If approved, the funds generated would be used to provide a paid fire chief and 3 paid firefighter positions to support the volunteer firefighters during the times they are otherwise engaged with their full-time professions. Voters can learn more about the District and this proposition at http://sbcfd.net/2020Election. Early voting begins October 13th with Election Day on November 3rd.
Brazos County Emergency Service District No. 1 is located in South Brazos County and provides funding for emergency services through property tax for the South Brazos County Fire Department. The District serves an estimated population of 20,000 in the 110-square mile service area. Brazos County ESD 1 funds all the stations and equipment, and in turn, South Brazos County FD provides the volunteer personnel to staff the stations and operate the vehicles.