Pandemic Numbers Reported By Texas A&M And The Brazos County Health District Will Not Match

Texas A&M and the Brazos County health district are responding to multiple people asking about the difference in pandemic numbers between the two organizations.

A&M’s chief compliance officer Kevin McGinnis and student health services director Dr. Martha Dannenbaum told reporters Tuesday explaining the time delay of the health district processing information received by A&M.

Click below for comments from Kevin McGinnis and Martha Dannebaum on August 25, 2020:


The Brazos County health district (BCHD) tweeted Wednesday morning that their daily pandemic reports will NOT include data collected by Texas A&M.

Quoting the BCHD tweets: “We’ve received several questions concerning the difference between Texas A&M University’s COVID-19 dashboard and ours. We include the positive cases from TAMU students and staff in our daily numbers who are tested in Brazos County, have a positive result, and are currently living at an address in Brazos County. These numbers are reported to us from healthcare providers in Brazos County.”

“The TAMU dashboard includes self-reported data from students and staff who were tested positive and live outside of Brazos County. We do not include these in our daily reports because the testing and results were done outside of the county and are not reported to us by healthcare providers.”

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