According to the BPD arrest report, 21 year old Skyler Salyers told the deputy constable after the May 5 chase he had run on the BPD officer.
The chase on April 24, which included the motorcyclist running two stop signs, was shut down due to BPD’s pursuit policy.
Salyers remains in jail in lieu of bonds that now total $36,000 dollars.
Original story published May 12, 2021:
A North Zulch motorcyclist has been in the Brazos County jail since leading a deputy constable from precinct four on a chase in west Bryan on May 5.
According to the deputy’s arrest report, the pursuit began after clocking the motorcyclist doing 50 in a 30 mile hour school zone by Mary Branch elementary.
Then the motorcycle’s speed went into the 90’s before getting stuck in a ditch.
The motorcyclist then ran away on foot into a wooded area, where he was caught with the assistance of a K9 deputy from the precinct three constables office.
21 year old Skyler Salyers, who is held in lieu of bonds totaling $28,000 dollars, is awaiting three trials in Brazos County courts on misdemeanor charges of possessing drug paraphernalia.