No Interest From The Cities Of Bryan/College Station In Creating New Cable TV/Internet Franchises

Last month was another round of Bryan/College Station customer dissatisfaction with Suddenlink following issues with a new billing system.

Since then, WTAW News has asked representatives of the cities of College Station and Bryan about the possibility of creating municipally owned cable television and internet systems.

The city of College Station earlier this month published an article on the city blog site, stating the Texas public utility commission grants cable and telecommunications franchises.

But the public utility commission does not maintain regulatory authority over cable television service, despite issuing the franchises.

The blog goes on to state a competitor is free to offer those services…and a handful of smaller number of providers are available in some parts of the city.

On WTAW’s The Infomaniacs, Scott DeLucia asked College Station city councilwoman Linda Harvell and communications director Jay Socol about the city of College Station getting into that business.

And on The Infomaniacs, Scott asked the same question of the general manager of Bryan Texas Utilities (BTU), Gary Miller.

The city of College Station’s blog suggests if you have questions about your bill or concerns about your cable service, your best bet is to contact the company.

Click below for comments from Linda Harvell, Jay Socol, and Gary Miller, visiting with WTAW’s Scott DeLucia.

Listen to “WTAW News asks College Station and Bryan city officials about creating cable TV & internet franchises” on Spreaker.

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