Kroger stores in College Station and Bryan are among more than 100 in the Houston region who have employees who are members of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW).
According to updates on the UFCW 455 website, negotiations will continue next week (on 2/6, 2/7, and 2/8).
That follows two sessions last week (on 1/23 and 1/26).
The union’s bargaining committee called on Kroger, quoting the union’s website update, “to do better in its compensation package it gives to its workers”.
During the January 26th session, the union reported “not one item that the Union has proposed by this point has been agreed upon.”
The union’s website update goes on to say “With one month before our Houston contracts expire it’s important, we all come together and stand strong for contracts you and your coworkers can be proud of, contracts that reward you and your coworkers hard work.”
The update also asks members to give the bargaining committee strike authority and to sign up as a picket captain.
Repeated requests have been made from WTAW News to Kroger officials in Houston and company headquarters in Cincinnati. There has no response from either Houston or Cincinnati.
Original story:
Kroger stores in College Station and Bryan are among more than 100 in the Houston region who have employees who are members of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW).
According to updates on the UFCW Local 455 website, negotiations were scheduled to resume last Tuesday (January 23) and last Friday (January 26). But no update has been posted on the local’s website since January 19.
Those were the first meetings since union members on January 18 gave the bargaining committee the authority to call a strike if a contract is not in place when the current agreement ends February 24.
The union’s website makes references to seeking increased pay and improved health benefits.
Repeated requests have been made from WTAW News to Kroger officials in Houston and company headquarters in Cincinnati. There has no response from either Houston or Cincinnati.
And Kroger’s website contains no information about the contract negotiations.