Nearing The Start Of One B/CS Highway Project While Another About To Wrap Up

Another major highway project in the twin cities that was initially proposed to start last month is about two months from getting underway. The TxDOT Bryan district office reports a March start for the new $15 million dollar interchange by Easterwood Airport at FM 60 and 2818. The bridge on 60…or Raymond Stotzer Parkway…over 2818 will be widened to six lanes. Traffic will be driving on the left side of the bridge after making a criss-cross at both ends. That will eliminate motorists having to make a left turn in front of oncoming vehicles.

Meantime, the end is in sight after more than three years of moving freeway on and off ramps in the twin cities. Weather permitting, TxDOT says the relocation should wrap up next month. One of the final phases started Monday with repaving the northbound lanes in north Bryan between Woodville Road and 2818. Repaving the southbound lanes between 2818 and Woodville started Wednesday night. The northbound lanes will have daily lane closures, while the southbound lanes will be closed between 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m.

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