The Bryan city manager’s monthly update to the city council of capital improvement projects focused on the ongoing work at and around Midtown Park.
During Tuesday’s council meeting, Kean Register reported:
• The BigShots Golf driveway construction is underway and should be completed in November. BigShots also has completed their building foundation and are going vertical with the steel structure, with anticipated completion in December.
• The notice to proceed on the 126,000 sq. ft. Legends Event Center was given to SpawGlass on April 30th. SpawGlass mobilized on May 4th, with 386 working days on their contract and scheduled completion on October 31st, 2022. The laydown yard is under construction at the site.
• Preparation for the installation of the AstroTurf synthetic fields is underway at the Travis Fields. Though the contractor is making progress on the building, they are behind schedule, and expecting completion in August.
• Two major construction contracts will exist for the Outer Loop Trail at Midtown Park. This first contract will build the trail from the Midtown Park Boulevard at Villa Maria intersection, wrapping around the Big Shots site, and ending at the Midtown Park Boulevard at Williamson Drive intersection. The second construction contract will come later in order to coordinate with additional lake dam work planned, as well as coordination with the Legends Event Center.
• The irrigation and entrance signage of the Midtown Park Gateway has been installed, and tree planting in that area should begin next week.
Elsewhere around the city, Register also reported:
• The Coulter Drive Reconstruction Project continues and is scheduled to be completed this fall.
• The Woodville Road Construction Project should be completed by the end of the month.
• Construction on the culvert near Anson Jones as part of the Palasota Street-Phase 1 Project is underway, and should be finalized in April of 2022.
• The Still Creek Culvert Replacement project is expected to be completed by end of 2021, but will be heavily weather-dependent since the work is in and around creeks.
• To prepare for the summer swim season, the slide at Henderson Harbor was refurbished; the steps and decking will be replaced next.
• The City will give away 100 free rabies vaccines and 100 microchips to pets that reside within the City Limits of Bryan. The event is scheduled for Saturday, May 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Henderson Park, 1629 Mockingbird Road.
Click below for comments from Kean Register during the May 11, 2021 Bryan city council meeting.
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