Local Constable’s Office Receives Grant for Less Lethal Weapons

The Brazos County Precinct 2 Constable’s office received a grant from the NRA Foundation to purchase less lethal weapons known as “bean bag” guns.

Chief Deputy Dan Severn says the 12 gauge shotguns fire shotgun shells that are filled with bean bags.

“This gives us another option to disarm someone or make them give up the fight without resorting to deadly force,” said Severn.

Severn says the less lethal “bean bag” shotguns look different than a regular shotgun so deputies will not confuse the weapons.

“The stocks on the bean bag guns are bright orange and the deputies are going to be trained in how to use them. One of the things we train is to have another deputy watch them load them; they can’t be allowed to carry regular shotgun shells in the same location,” said Severn.

Photo courtesy of Chief Deputy Dan Severn

Severn says unlike batons, chemical sprays, and tasers, the bean bag guns allow deputies to keep a safe distance from violent and/or armed people.

“The majority of our time is spent serving civil process, things that are emotionally charged, and sometimes we are dealing with people who have a mental or emotional illness or they are disturbed in someway; there is a high potential for them to respond violently,” said Severn.

Severn says all deputies will undergo a minimum 8-hour training before they are allowed to us the new weapons.


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