The CSPD arrest report says this involves a leaking swimming pool pump or a broken water pipe, which was sending water into a neighbor’s yard.
The neighbor tells officers that he constructed and installed a hose to spray the standing water back to the home with the pool.
The homeowner with the pool showed officers video of the neighbor removing boards from a privacy fence. Then the neighbor shoveled mud from his yard and threw it on the homeowner’s air conditioning unit.
The neighbor, 39 year old Mario Munoz, was arrested on a charge of criminal mischief for causing damage to the air conditioning unit that was set at $1,044.38.
Munoz is out of jail after posting a $2,500 dollar bond.
According to online court records, the Brazos County county attorney’s office filed a misdemeanor charge on June 23. As of June 29, no trial date has been set.