Keep Brazos Beautiful Announces Annual Award Winners

It is the 35th anniversary of Keep Brazos Beautiful (KBB).

Nine winners were recognized Wednesday at KBB’s annual awards luncheon.

Thanks to KBB executive director Raena Blumenthal for the information.

The J.C. “Jack” Miller Institutional Beautification Award was presented to Bethel Lutheran Church. This award is given to institutions, such as schools and churches, whose landscaping is an outstanding example of beauty and design. Bethel received the award for their serene prayer garden and to the church members who work diligently to keep the garden beautiful.

The Can Do Recycling Award was presented to the Emerald Forest Homeowners Association. This honor is given to individuals or organizations for their exemplary waste minimization and recycling efforts. The Emerald Forest HOA was awarded for their participation in the City of College Station’s Single Stream Recycling Pilot Program. Since February, the tremendous success of this pilot has led to more than 60,000 pounds of materials that would have normally been disposed of in the local landfill, to be recycled instead.

The Neighborhood Environmental Action Team Award went to the Copperfield Homeowners Association. This award is given to a neighborhood group who has demonstrated best practices in making their neighborhood clean, green, and beautiful. The Copperfield HOA was awarded for their attractive landscaping, and their continuous encouragement of community members to enhance the appearance and quality of their neighborhood through their yard-of-the-month program.

The Good Neighbor Award was presented to Betty Vermeire. This award is given to an individual or group whose efforts have had a positive effect on the beauty and environment of their community. Betty Vermeire was awarded for her contributions as a naturalist and environmental work done around the Brazos Valley for many years. She has been a part of research on birding throughout the Brazos Valley region, environmental youth education, and has been involved in efforts to clean and beautify parks around Bryan, College Station and Brazos County. She has also put forth a great effort to remove invasive plant species in and around Brazos County.

This year there were two winners for the Keepers of the Kingdom Award. This award is given to City and/or County employees whose efforts have supported Keep Brazos Beautiful’s mission of keeping our community clean, green and beautiful.

One went to the Bryan Police Department’s Neighborhood Enforcement Team. N.E.T.’s work on the demolition of substandard structures and the clean-up of over grown and vacant lots in Bryan. Additionally, the efforts of the Bryan Police Department and other City of Bryan employees have resulted in a dramatic decrease in crime and the beautification of target areas within Bryan.

The other winner for the Keeper of the Kingdom award was Jeffrey Given for his work with the City of College Station’s Adopt-A-Street Program. Through the cooperative efforts of Jeffrey Given, citizens, community groups, student groups, and businesses, the Adopt-A-Street program has successfully enhanced the look of the community by beautifying and maintaining adopted streets. Due to Jeffrey’s successful marketing and diligence, the Adopt-A-Street Program now has a waiting list, with several organizations even wishing for the adoption of a second and third street.

The recipient of the Miller Youth Award, named for Keep Brazos Beautiful’s founders Dorothy S. and Jack Miller, is a special recognition given to an individual youth, or youth group, who has worked to create a positive and sustainable impact on the community environment. Emersyn King, a five year old kindergarten student at College Hills Elementary, asked that her friends provide Lowe’s gift cards for her birthday, so she could donate them to Keep Brazos Beautiful towards ongoing gardening and landscaping efforts.

The winner of KBB’s Media Award, which celebrates those whose efforts have significantly aided local environmental issues, went to Charla Anthony for her gardening column for The Eagle and appearances on both television and radio gardening programs.

The Community Stewardship Award is given to an individual or business whose efforts have had a great impact on improving our local community and its environment. This year’s recipient is Texas Commercial Waste for their ongoing effort and support of several community organizations, recycling and neighborhood clean-ups.

(L-R) Keep Brazos Beautiful board president Joe Patranella, KBB youth award winner Emersyn King, and KBB board vice president Allison Brown Harrell.
(L-R) Keep Brazos Beautiful board president Joe Patranella, KBB youth award winner Emersyn King, and KBB board vice president Allison Brown Harrell.

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