Invitation To Attend CVB’s Annual Meeting Planners Showcase

Sydney Murrell of the B/CS Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) visits with WTAW’s Bill Oliver about the annual Meeting Planners Showcase.


Click HERE to be directed to more information from the CVB website.

The 2016 Meeting Planners Showcase is November 3 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Brazos County Expo.

Meeting Planners Showcase is a one-stop-shop for meeting and event planners looking for a wide variety of services when hosting their event in the Brazos Valley.

Exhibitors include caterers, lodging, venues, printing services, florists, and much more. Keep your eyes peeled for a complete list of exhibitors for 2016 soon!

Hospitality industry professionals will be on hand to discuss facilities, lodging, and services.

There is no admission charge. Vendors can contact the CVB for more information.

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