Ice Road Trucker in College Station Monday

An original Ice Road Trucker is now an author, and he’ll be in College Station Monday afternoon.

Alex Debogorski

Alex Debogorski, who is promoting his new book “King of The Road”, says he didn’t want to make trucking his career.

Why Alex chose trucking.

Alex says there is some fun to the celebrity.

Alex on celebrity.

But celebrity does not equal riches…at least not yet.

More Alex on celebrity.

Alex is a first-generation Canadian. His parents emigrated from Britan but his family goes back to World War Two ravaged Poland. Family is one reason Alex is a celebrity. He notes his 11 children and 10 grandchildren will see him in reruns.

Alex on family.

Alex will be in College Station Monday afternoon at the Hastings store from 3 until 5, along with a record-length 55 foot fifth wheel customized trailer.

Click HERE for Alex Debogorski’s full interview with WTAW’s Bill Oliver.

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