Historic Bryan Store Closing

The Parker-Astin hardware store in downtown Bryan, 10/4/2013.

A Bryan store closing its doors after 102 years of business doesn’t mean that downtown as a whole is doing poorly, so says Parker-Astin Hardware’s owner, Zane Anderson.

Anderson, who was a customer first and liked the store enough to buy it in 2005, says it’s hard for small retail stores to compete with the big national stores, but there are new kinds of opportunities in downtown Bryan, particularly for boutiques.

Anderson says if he keeps the property, he’ll probably divide it into smaller stores or lofts for tenants, and he’ll keep the sign up.

The 10,000 square foot store, which is undergoing a massive clearance sale, will officially close on or around November 9.

Click below to listen to Parker-Astin Hardware owner Zane Anderson visit with WTAW’s Kat McMullen.

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