The same day Habitat for Humanity introduces a new director in Bryan-College Station, an arrest is made in the theft of over $5,200 from the office last winter.
Habitat’s new Executive Director, Tori Wolan, comes from ten years in Washington D.C., most recently with the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health and the Ethiopian Community Development Council. Following college she worked for the Peace Corps in Kenya. The chairman of the local Habitat board, Peter Witt, says Wolan’s background in organizational and fiscal management will help ensure Habitat’s future.
Last March, Habitat’s former director reported to Bryan police the agency office was the victim of a forgery. Six months later there is an arrest. 19 year old Kelli Williams of College Station told investigators a friend gave her the checking account number and routing number of Habitat’s bank. Williams, who also says she did not know she was stealing from Habitat, used various names to make over 20 payments on Habitat’s account between November of last year and March of this year. Court records accuse Williams of crimes in seven cases. She’s accused of taking money from the bank accounts of two other individuals. She’s charged with two thefts, one involving over $1,500 of merchandise from The Buckle. And there’s filing false police reports and racing on the highway. Williams is free on bond while all seven cases work their way through Brazos County District Court.
Habitat spokeswoman Abby Johnson says the missing money was the result of identity theft, the accused had no affiliation with the agency, and Habitat’s bank has reimbursed the agency most of the money that was stolen.
Click below to hear comments from Abby Johnson, visiting with WTAW’s Bill Oliver:
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